I obtained my undergraduate degree in my home country of New Zealand, before I moved to Brisbane, Australia, to complete my doctoral degree. I then spent several years working as a postdoctoral scholar in California, before starting as an assistant Professor at the University of Sherbrooke in late 2016. I moved to join the physics faculty at Georgia Institute of Technology in early 2019. From late 2022 onwards I have worked as a research scientist for Amazons Center for Quantum Computing in Pasadena, California.
I relish the sense of discovery that comes from undertaking new scientific research and am also an avid programmer. I greatly enjoy presenting my work in the form of talks, and partake in community outreach by performing science demonstrations for elementary school students.

Visiting Fellowship at Perimeter Institute
2017 - 2020
Young Scientist Prize in Computational Physics
2017, International Union of Pure and Applied Physics
Sherman Fairchild Prize Postdoctoral Scholarship
2011 - 2014, California Institute of Technology
Dean's Award for Outstanding Thesis
2010, University of Queensland

Presentation of the Young Scientist Prize at CCP2017 in Paris
2005, B.Sc.
The University of Auckland
2011 - 2014, Sherman Fairchild Prize Postdoctoral Scholar,
California Institute of Technology
2007, B.Sc. (Hons.) in Applied Mathematics
The University of Auckland
2010, P.hD. in Theoretical Physics
The University of Queensland
Thesis: "Foundations and Applications of Entanglement Renormalization"
2014 - 2016, Assistant Project Scientist
University of California, Irvine
2016 - 2019 Assistant Professor
2019 - 2022 Assistant Professor
2022 - current: Quantum Research Scientist